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Anglian Tower, York
Defensive Tower of Controversial Date
so called 'Anglian' Tower at York is apparently one of only two
non-ecclesiastical Anglo-Saxon structures remaining in the country. Its
date, however, is not without controversy. It was certainly added onto the
Roman City Walls at a late period: it could be late Roman or Dark Age
British. A popular theory, however, makes it part of a reconstruction of
the city's defences under King Edwin
of Deira. Edwin lived in the early 7th century and is supposed to have
been baptised on the site of the present Minster in AD 627.
The Tower can be
found through the Museum Gardens: follow the path to the left of the
famous Multangular Tower, under the yew trees and through the door in the
wall. It stands immediately to the left, adjoining an interesting
excavation of the wall ramparts, displayed to show the relationship
between successive city defences.