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King Edgar was the youngest child of King
Edmund the Magnificent and St.
Aelfgith. His mother died the year after his birth and his father
when he was only three. He was, therefore, fostered by Aethelstan Half-King, the Ealdorman of East Anglia, and his wife,
The family were keen supporters of monastic reform and Edgar's education
was therefore placed in the hands of the movement's mastermind, St.
Aethelwold, Abbot of Abingdon. In AD 955, Edgar's uncle, King Edred, died
and his elder brother, the fourteen year old Edwig, became King. However,
when Edgar reached the same age two years later, the kingdom was divided
and he was given the Northern regions of Mercia and Northumbria, while
Edwig retained Wessex. Edgar immediately recalled his uncle's advisor, St.
Dunstan, from exile and made him Bishop of Worcester, before his
transfer to London. Edwig died in AD 959 and Edgar became King of all
England. Dunstan was appointed Archbishop of Canterbury and Edgar
naturally associated himself with the prelate's extension of monastic
reforms. The establishment of English Benedictine monasteries across the
country became the central policy of Edgar's reign. Though hugely
successful, it was not universally popular. Vast areas of land were
arbitrarily put under Church control, provoking considerable resentment
which was to destabilize his son's reign. Though a good king, Edgar was not overly
religious. His sexual appetite was legendary and gave rise to a number of
stories. Soon after ascending the throne, he is said to have fallen for
the beautiful daughter of a nobleman of Andover (Hampshire). While
visiting the town, he demanded that she enter his bed that night. Her
parents were, understandably, shocked and sent a maidservant to join the
King in her place. After a long night of unbridled passion, Edgar was
disappointed to find that his new conquest hurried from his bed early the
next morning. The deception was thus revealed, as the girl explained that
she must start work before the rest of the household arose. In a mad fury,
the King confiscated all his hosts' lands and made his bed-fellow their
mistress. About AD 960, he married Ethelflaed Eneda (White-Duck),
the daughter of a Hertfordshire nobleman named Ordmaer. She seems to have
been some relation of Edgar's foster-father, Aethelstan of East Anglia.
They had one son, Edward, before the lady died, around AD 963. During this
marriage, the King was by no means monogamous and seduced a young nun,
named Wulfthrith, from
Wilton Abbey (Wiltshire), carrying her off to Kemsing in Kent where their
extended affair led to the birth of a daughter. The following year, Edgar
heard of another great beauty, Aelfthrith the daughter of the Devonshire
Thegn, Ordgar. He sent his foster-brother, Ealdorman Aethelwold of East
Anglia to check her out; but the young man found her so stunning that he
secretly married her and settled in distant Devon. Hearing that his
foster-brother had married, but not to whom, the King insisted the
newly-weds visit
him at Court. Discovering Aethelwold's duplicitous nature, Edgar took him
out hunting in Harewood Forest (Hampshire) and thrust a javelin through
his back! After Ethelflaed's death, Edgar tried to persuade his lover,
Wulfthrith, to marry him but the relationship seems to have been somewhat
one-sided and she fled back to the safety of the confines of Wilton. He
turned to Aethelwold's widow instead and the two were married in AD 964. Though Edgar had almost certainly been
crowned King of Wessex at Kingston-upon-Thames, early in his reign, by AD
973, he wished to mark a new stage in the development of Anglo-Saxon
kingship with a great coronation ceremony on the Mercian-Wessex border at
Bath. In this ancient Imperial city, he was officially declared King of
the English. Then he showed his extensive and effective military power, by
marching his army north - swelled with Viking warriors - in a great show
of strength. His navy joined him in Chester where the kings of the north
assembled to submit to his overlordship: King Kenneth of Scots, King
Malcolm of the Cumbrians, King Magnus of Man and the Isles, King Donald of
Strathclyde, King Hywel Dda
of Deheubrath, King Iago of Gwynedd, King Idwallon of Morgannwg and
King Sigefrith (possibly a deputy in Norse York). According to tradition,
originating with Florence of Worcester, they rowed King Edgar up River Dee,
from the Royal palace to the monastery of St. John the Baptist. King Edgar died on 8th July AD 975 and was
buried in St. Dunstan's abbey at Glastonbury (Somerset) where he was revered
as a saint, presumably for his monastic reforms and the stability
he brought to the country, rather than his sexual conquests!
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