EBK Home Kingdoms
King Arthur
Mail David
as listed by
Chrétien de TroyesIn the tale of "Erec
and Enid" in the works of Chrétien de Troyes, are listed a number of the Knights
at King Arthur's Court including the ten greatest in the land:
- Gawain,
the first
- Erec the son of Lac, the second
- Lancelot
of the Lake, the third
- Gornemant of Cohort, the fourth
- The Handsome Coward, the fifth
- The Ugly Brave, the Sixth
- Meliant of
Liz, the seventh
- Mauduit the Wise, the eighth
- Dodinel the
Wild, the ninth
- Gandelu, the tenth
- Eslit
- Briien
- Yvain son
of Urien
- Yvain of Loenel
- Yvain the Bastard
- Yvain of Cavaliot
- Garravain of Estrangot
- The Knight with the Horn
- The Youth with the Golden Ring
- Tristan
- Bliohleheris
- Brun of Piciez
- Grus the Wrathful
- The Armourer
- Karadues
the Short-Armed
- Caveron of Robendic
- King Quenedic's son
- The Youth of Quintareus
- Yder of the Dolorous Mount
- Gaheriet
- Kay of
- Amauguin
- Gales the Bald
- Grain
- Gornevain
- Carahes
- Tor the son of King Ares
- Girflet the son of Do
- Taulas
- Loholt
the son of King Arthur
- Sagremor
the Impetuous
- Bedoiier
the Marshal
- Bravain
- King Lot
- Galegantin
of Wales
- Gronosis son of Kay the Seneschal
- Labigodes the Courtly
- Count Cadorcaniois
- Letron of Prepelesant
- Breon the son of Canodari
- The Count of Honolan