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Sir Caradoc of the Dolorous Tower
Arthurian Literary Character

Often called “the Huge,” Sir Caradoc was a vast man, thought of by some as a giant. He was the son of Mitrides (or Aupatris) and the brother of Sir Turquine. The two appeared together at the Castle Dangerous Tournament. Caradoc had a son named, Karakadin. He had been a Knight at the Court of Uther Pendragon, but did not get on with King Arthur.

Caradoc was perhaps the best known of the evil lords of the realm who liked nothing better than to capture Knights of the Round Table and throw them into the most wretched of prisons. In this case at the, aptly named, Dolorous Tower. The numbers of prisoners grew so large - including Sir Yvain and Sir Gawain - that King Arthur was forced to declare war on Caradoc. The Dolorous Army held off the King’s forces at the Wicked Pass, but Sir Lancelot broke through to engage their leader in single combat. The Lady Florée gave Lancelot a magic sword and Caradoc was slain.


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