
Making Weapons and
- This is the home of Wulfgar the
- Wulfgar is an iron worker. He
makes weapons and farming and other tools. He also makes horse
shoes and shoes horses.
- Iron is not mined in the local
area, so he buys iron bars from local traders. They usually
come from Sussex or Gloucestershire.
- He is a very skilled craftsman.
He heats up iron in his furnace and hammers, folds and reheats
it to make it strong. He then shapes it and plunges it into
water to cool it down. (Later Saxons made these techniques
even better).
- He twists pieces of iron together
to make strong and beautifully patterned swords.
- He can work with other metals,
but he doesn't know much about melting metals in crucibles and
pouring them into moulds. There is a goldsmith from a nearby
rich lord's estate who makes jewellery like this. He visits
- Metalworkers were seen as very
special people. They had their own god
to look after them. He was called Wayland
the Smith.
- Activity
Sheet available.