
Not Every Village
has One
- This is the shop of
Edwulf the
- Edwulf is a bone worker. He
makes things out of bone, antlers and ivory (large animal
- He has a special set of bone
working tools. He has to trade for his raw materials,
especially the ivory or large pieces of whale bone. Elephant
ivory is rare, but he can get walrus ivory from the
Northern hunters.
- His biggest sellers are his
combs. He makes them out of deer antlers. Everyone in the
village has one.
- He also makes spindles and whorls
for cloth making, long pins for lady's hair or clothes, bag
handles, counters for board games, dice and even ice skates.
- He carves simple designs on some
of his work, but if the local lord wants a fine and
complicated piece of carving, like the Franks
Casket, he will have to visit a specialist at a local monastery
or the Royal Court.
- Edwulf is an 'itinerant' worker.
This means he moves around from village to village, selling
the things he makes. This village is lucky. He always comes
back here to live. Not many villages have a bone worker.
- Activity
Sheet available.