
The Village can't
do without Him
- This is the home of Leofwine the
- Leofwine makes things out of
wood. He is also a wheelwright.
- His special skill is using the
lathe (equipment for cutting round or cylindrical wood), so
some people call him Leofwine the Turner.
- He makes posts, planks, rafters
and pegs (instead of nails) for buildings.
- He makes buckets, handles for
tools and weapons, furniture, looms, doors, boxes, chests and carts.
- He can also make bowls, cups,
plates, spoons; even musical instruments and coffins.
- Leofwine gets wood from trees he
cuts down with his axe in the nearby forest.
- Although he has a saw, he doesn't
use it on big pieces of wood because it is was very expensive.
He splits tree wood using his axe and wooden wedges.
- He has lots of special tools for
shaping wood. Like adzes (for rough cutting), chisels (for fine
cutting), planes (for shaving) and augers (for
making holes).
- Most things in the villages need
at least part of them to be made by Leofwine.
- Activity
Sheet available.