
Anglo-Saxon God of
- Tiw was the Anglo-Saxon
god of War and Combat.
- He was also a Sky God.
- His sacred animal was the wolf. He was usually shown with
only one hand.
- This Viking story explains why:
- The gods decided to tie up the
giant 'Fenris Wolf' because they had predicted that it would
kill Woden.
- To do this, the dwarves made a
special unbreakable ribbon.
- But the wolf would not let the
gods near him unless one of them put their hand in his
- Tiw agreed to do this and so
the gods were able to tie up the wolf.
- The gods were then happy. All except
Tiw, because, when the gods grabbed the wolf, it had bitten
off his hand!
- His special day was Tuesday which
means 'Tiw's Day'.
- Can you find any places near you
that are named after Tiw? Use a map. Look for places beginning
with the words Tis, Tues, Tyes or Tys.
- Activity
Sheet available.