Peredur Paladr Hir, King of Ebrauc
(Welsh: Peredur; Latin: Peredurus; English: Percival)

Supposedly the founder of the town of Pickering (North Yorks), Peredur Longspear and his twin-brother, Gwrgi - the sons of King Eliffer Gosgorddfawr - ruled Ebrauc jointly. According to Welsh legend, their father was killed when they were still young and the Queen brought her two boys up alone. Peredur seems to have spent much of his life wreaking vengance on his father's killers.

The Joint-Kings of Ebrauc are best known for their victory over King Gwenddoleu of Caer-Wenddoleu (Carwinley) at the Battle of Arfderydd, now Arthuret in Cumbria. In AD 573, the Yorkist Kings allied themselves with King Riderch Hael of Strathclyde and possibly King Dunaut Bwr (the Stout) of the Northern Pennines. They marched north, probably to claim the disputed land around Caer-Laverock from Gwenddoleu. The King of Caer-Wenddoleu was killed in the battle and his bard, Myrddin or Merlin, one of the few survivors, was forced to flee into the Caledonian Forest. Peredur was unable to take advantage of his victory however and, seven years later, when his army again marched north, this time to put down the troublesome Anglians of Bernicia, he and his brother were both killed by King Adda's forces at Caer-Greu (location unknown). The Deirans then rose up, under King Aelle, and moved on the City of Ebrauc, forcing Peredur's son to flee the Kingdom.

In the medieval literary age, Peredur was transformed into Sir Percivale, the Grail-Seeker of Arthurian tradition.

Records of King Peredur date back to the 10th century. He is generally considered historic.


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