EBK Activity Sheets for Kids


What they were like

Stone Single-Cell Apsidal Celtic Church at Glencoyndale in Cumberland - © Nash Ford Publishing

  • Some Roman churches kept going in Britain after the Romans left.
    • They might be single roomed buildings.
    • They might be 'aisled' buildings with columns down the centre and open corridors on either side, like churches today (but without a tower).
    • There might also be an apse (a room shaped like half a circle) around the altar at the east end (see picture above).
    • They could be built of wood or of stone.
    • The roofs could be covered in thatch, wooden shingles or clay tiles.
    • They often had circular or oval churchyards.
  • Archaeologists have dug up the remains of a Romano-British aisled church at Uley in Gloucestershire (see picture below). It replaced an old pagan temple and was used until sometime in the 6th century.
  • Old pagan temples were often turned into churches; or they were taken down and small churches built nearby: like at Brean Down and Lamyatt Beacon in Somerset.
  • Many Roman churches were in towns. They were not used much and fell down because town life wasn't very popular any more.
  • In cemeteries, there were sometimes big Roman tombs called  'mausolea' (the plural of 'mausoleum'). They were like small stone buildings and the British sometimes turned them into churches. St. Albans Cathedral is a good example.
  • Some churches and chapels were open to everyone. Others belonged to monks or nuns in a monastery or to hermits living on their own.
  • Activity Sheets available.

 Wooden Aisled Celtic Church at Uley in Gloucestershire - © Nash Ford Publishing


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