
What happened when
Vortigern took over.
- In about AD 425, the
Government of Britain seems to have agreed to a man named
Vortigern becoming ruler over the whole country. He is first
recorded by a monk named Bede.
- He was married to the
daughter of Magnus Maximus and probably claimed to be Emperor
or 'High-King'. The local kings
(or 'tyrants') remained in the towns, but most
of them probably accepted him as their ruler too.
- St. Germanus visited
Britain. He was the Bishop of Auxerre in Gaul (now called
France). He had heard that Pelagianism (a particular way of
interpreting the Bible) had become popular in the British
Church. His boss, the Pope (in Rome) did not agree with this.
Germanus toured the country persuading the British to abandon
their new ideas.
- Britain was being
attacked by its enemies (Saxons, Picts,
Scots and Irish)
on all sides. St. Germanus had once
been a soldier and helped fight them.
- When he returned home,
the British Government wrote to the Gaulish Consul asking for
military help. This man was named Aetius. He ruled most of the
western half of the Roman Empire. War there prevented him
from replying.
to find out: How the Saxons came in